Studio Webcam Improved

Avery in front of the studio cam

Shortly after moving into the studio, we put a webcam online to help us capture interesting builds. A new photo is captured every couple minutes when it detects activity. The latest still can always be viewed on our web site. We sometimes compile photos into time lapse videos that make their way onto the site at a later time. (A great time lapse example is from this past blog post on our contribution to Rochester Fashion Week.) Most of the time the camera doesn't get very much - piles of balloons that we were just working with, or maybe visitors to the studio walking past the camera. It's only when we're in the middle of a big project that we get a lot of exciting shots.

Typical airigami studio pic from the webcam

Every so often, someone reports that they saw us doing something interesting, or that there was a particularly fun shot. Unfortunately, that leaves us digging for a long time through gobs of photos to find the one that was mentioned.

Building a balloon gingerbread house

We want a gallery of cool web cam photos. We want photos that show us looking at the camera.  We want pics that are really dynamic.  You can help. If you happen to take a look at the camera and see one of those, it's now possible to click a button notifying us of the cool pic you found.

Thanks for helping us out!

Check out the webcam now!