Balloon Manor is around the corner

Santa fishBalloon Manor: The Amazing Air-filled Undersea Adventure is just around the corner. Well for us it is. Some of you may see it as "still two months away." Here at the studio, it's consuming almost every moment we have. Plans are developing. At this moment, Kelly is deep in design sketches and tallying the balloons we plan to use for each component.


The crew is shaping up nicely, with a mix of people that worked on Airigami projects in the past and those we're looking forward to meeting for the first time in February. If you have an interest in participating on a big public art project, this is your opportunity. No experience is necessary. Some of the folks that have returned to Balloon Manor year after year are experienced artists, but just as many contributors are brand new to balloons, sculpture, and public art. If you're experienced, we'll try to challenge you. If this is all new to you, we'll teach you what you need to know and find tasks that you're comfortable performing.

Like last year, we are limiting the crew to 75 people. If you're interested, don't forget to sign up soon

Ending with a bang

Like last year we're going to end with a giant popping party. Some of those 50,000 balloons will have prizes stuffed inside them. We're inviting you to look for them while eating popcorn and drinking soda pop. Popping party tickets can be purchased in the Airigami shop.

Drawing contest

While the designs for the largest pieces of Balloon Manor are close to complete, there's still some time to submit your ideas for the smaller pieces. We're very interested in kids' ideas for the smaller items to be placed inside the sculpture. The Balloon Manor drawing contest is open to all children from pre-K through sixth grade. You don't have to be in Rochester or attending the Manor. Submissions need to be in by Jan 15. 

Other ways to contribute

We are able to keep Balloon Manor free and open to the public, thanks to support from many of you. If you or your company would like to help out, please take a look at the sponsorship opportunities we are offering. If you are an individual that just wishes to assist on a small scale, donations are also greatly appreciated.