Join us in San Mateo, CA at the Maker Faire Bay Area

Maker Faire Bay Area

Anyone that's been following us for a while knows we like Maker Faires. We participate every chance we get in Faires all over the world. Participation, after all, is what Maker Faires are all about. That's why we're asking you to join us in just two weeks at the Bay Area Maker Faire. We’re excited about returning this year for a really cool project. We’ve got something awesome planned. This year, don’t just watch. Come and help us construct something special for the Faire. All you have to do to participate is visit our booth. Take ten minutes out of the day to hang out with us and you can be part of our build. But if you really want to help us out and spend a day or two with us, let us know. We have a few entry passes that we can share with the first few people to volunteer. (Hint: Take a look at the Lynchburg and Kuwait Maker Faires to get an idea of what we we're doing.)