Classes coming up at Airigami

Since we moved into the new studio a year and a half ago, we've slowly been increasing the number of guest lecturers we've been able to bring in. As more of you attend, we've had more top balloon industry instructors asking to join our lineup.  The following classes are coming soon.

Patty Sorell

March 5, 2017 9:00 am – 5:00 pm $100 for a full day of class. Lunch will be provided. Advance registration strongly suggested. Register now. (Classes are found at the bottom of the shop page.)

Photo Frames and Selfie Stations

Follow the newest décor trend with Patty’s Balloon Photo Frames and Selfie Stations. You will learn how to elicit big smiles from your customers at theme parties, corporate events, holidays, and celebrations where people love to take pictures of family and friends. Patty will teach you how to make frameless frames, craft your own frames with simple materials and steps, and how to use a variety of balloons for completely different looks no matter the occasion. Bring your camera and picture yourself making more money!


Conquer your fear of the BIG balloons and learn how easy and profitable a single balloon can be.  36? Balloons are impressive on their own, but with some lightweight and inexpensive elements, you can turn a single balloon into an amazing decor piece for use as room decor, centerpieces and more.  We will demonstrate Pinterest’s favorite Tulle-covered balloons, Confettii Balloons, Tips and Tricks for tying and upselling your Jumbos.  Using Betallic 36? prints and solids, Jumbos can be Funky, Elegant, Whimsical, Bold or anything you want them to be.

David and Shana Brenion

April 3, 2017 10:00 am – 6:00 pm $100 for a full day of class. Lunch will be provided. Advance registration strongly suggested. Register now. (Classes are found at the bottom of the shop page.)

We'll share more details about this soon.

ClassesLarry Moss